Meet our new addition....
Brooklynn McKenzie Witzel
Born: April 25th 11:23 pm
Weight: 7 lbs 11 in
Height: 20 in
Well, we did it!! Our little baby girl is here, and we are loving every second! I started having contractions around 1:00 pm on Thursday, and told Nick that he should probably stay home from work. I was so sick, that at first I thought I had the flu. We ended up at the hospital around 4:00 pm, and was hooked up to a bazillion monitors... and then the contractions stopped... just my luck! Since I was scheduled to be induced the next morning at 6:00 am they just decided to keep me there and get things started.
During the labor process, I had 4 big hurdles coming in the back of my mind...
1. The IV (I hate needles, and if anyone knows of all my problems not being able to get my blood drawn during my pregnancy, I had a pretty good reason to hate them!) However I only had to be stuck twice before they got it in... check!
2. The epidural... I knew it was necessary, but the thought of having a huge needle in my spine always makes me a little green. I did have some pain when they were doing it, but it was worth it in the end .... check
3. throwing up... for some reason after I get hooked up to all the drugs I usually throw up... this time it was only once!... check
4. obviously is the delivery... once things got going, I started shaking horribly (I probably had the shakes for over an hour!) After that the pain wasn't manageable for my wussyness, and I had to have an extra dose of pain meds, which resulted in complete numbness from my stomach on down. Even though it was supper weird to be that numb I didn't have any more pain!!
All in all it went pretty smooth, and at the end I did have something pretty amazing to show for it!
We think she looks just like Kaylee did... I guess I'm really good at making doubles!
My family was watching Kaylee, so once they heard that Brooklynn was here they rushed over. Kaylee is such a proud big sister! She did a really good job keeping Brooklynn's name a surprise for the whole pregnancy! (even after being bribed a number of times... and with peanut butter m&ms!)
It's crazy to think that in one day we doubled the amount of children we have!!
Kaylee got to pick out Brooklynn's bow, and even got an extra one that grandma then sewed onto her stuffed animal.
Our hospital was amazing, the nurses were so attentive and nice, we even got a candle lit dinner for 2 (which turned into dinner for 4 now!) complete with martinelies, and crystal glasses.
They even had complementary spa services... how could I ever say no to a foot rub and pedicure?!
Brooklynn did end up being Jaundice, and we had to do 6 hours of light therapy at the hospital, and take home lights as well... I think she looks cute, kinda like she is just working on her tan!
I'm so grateful for our beautiful little girl, and her big sister, and her daddy... and so grateful it is over and we are home and resting!