Its no secret that I've struggled with my weight throughout the years. I've yoyoed up and down... getting really close to my goal weight, getting lazy, and then letting it creep back up. And of course having 2 kidos hasn't helped matters much (neither has cold stone!)
I have done weight watchers before, with great success (when I was almost at my goal weight.) I do really well with a structured plan to stick with, so I decided I better get my butt back on the plan, so I started back up last Tuesday. This time around, I feel confident that I will finally be able to get this baby weight off, and finally see the hot momma that's inside! One of my absolute most favorite quotes is "the skinny girls inside is dying to get out..... but I can usually shut her up with a piece of cake!!" I love that... its funny and so so true!
So I've made some changes to ensure that this time is the time that sticks.... first I've cleaned out the entire house from all the junk and crappy food that calls to me in the middle of the night. Second I've enlisted my dear sweet hubby to be my partner in crime... now this might be a little humorous for those of you who know Nick... he is the thinnest bean pole of a person you've ever met, and can eat absolutely whatever and whenever he wants (stupid male metabolism!). I think in the whole 8 years of being married he has weight basically the same the whole time.. (I know don't you just want to smack people like that?) jk :)...anyways I told nick that it wasn't going to work with me eating food made for rabbits, while watching him down a big mac. He agreed... bless his heart, and offered to follow the eating plan with me. So now that I've got the fam on board, and the house cleaned out, and my motivation back, I'm very optimistic.
Week one went awesome on ww... I didn't feel horribly hard to eat healthy again. I actually think my body was craving some nutrients after far to long of fast food. I also started walking an hour about 5 times a week. Not everything has been easy however. If you have ever cooked dinner with a 4 year old melting down because you finally cut off her allotment of Daniel tigers neighborhood, and a 10 month old screaming in the high chair ( because how dare I put her down right?) ... needless to say there were a couple of nights I highly considered calling dominos, or having Nick swing by Café Rio on his way home, but I stuck it out, and made myself cook those rabbit veggies! And I'm very happy to say that it paid off. I lost 8.8 lbs in a week. Now before you freak out that I must be starving myself, let me say that's not the case. This was totally my body getting rid of water weight and probably a little Dr. Pepper weight too. I always loose a lot the first week, and then balance out loosing 1-2 lbs a week. It was very nice however to see that number this week.... very very motivating to keep it up.
So as for goals, I'm not going to say I have to be at a certain weight... I hate that...I just want to get to a point were I feel comfortable, and happy, and healthy... (and a size 6 wouldn't hurt either!)
I am still trying to come up with a fitness goal. I'm trying really hard to convince nick to train for one of the Disney marathons... we will see how that goes... we don't want to get to crazy here! I think for now I'm just going to commit to exercising every day, either walking, or going to gym classes.
Well, I will keep posting how its going every now and then... don't want to boar people to death... but I do like to hear about peoples weight loss success.. but any who, if any of you are needing someone to take away the carton of chunky monkey... weight watchers is awesome, and the meetings are fun!