Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Be my valentine...

Its that time of year...

hearts and flowers, poems and notes. I just can't help myself, I absolutely love Valentines day! I know a ton of people think its just a day made up by Hallmark to make more money and to sell more $4.99 love cards, but I love it!

Remember in grade school when everyone in the class would deliver valentines to each others home made mail boxes? It was so much fun to read each little note, just hoping that my special someone wrote a note just for me.

My idea of love today is a bit different from when I was little. I used to dream of my prince charming, who would come and rescue me from the clutches of the fire breathing dragon, and we of course would ride off into the sunset, and live happily ever after.

Today my idea of true love is...

Some one who helps with the dishes,

A person, who when all hope is lost can make you pee your pants by laughing,

A best friend who helps change dirty diapers, fixes scraped knees, and chases away the monster under the bed.

Someone to wipe the tears when life gets too rough,

A man who chokes down my very inventive recipes, and insists they are wonderful,

Someone who goes to the grocery store at 1 in the morning to get my tampons and chocolate ice cream.

I am so very grateful that I did indeed find my prince charming, and even though life is rough sometimes we are living our happily ever after.

I love valentines day, it is a yearly reminder of the great love in my life.

A day to realize, as we hop in our Toyota and ride off into the sunset (and head to the grocery store...)

That life doesn't get much better than this!

Wishing you all love and happiness this Valentines day!

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