Wednesday, August 13, 2014

summer fun 2014

 We had a great summer, so sad that its over. Here are some of our favorite memories...
 Camping in the uintas.
 Hot dogs and smores!

 Kaylee slipped and fell in the mud...she didn't think it was to funny.
 "Fairy Forest" next to our camp ground...tonz of fun, we made our own little fairy village and contributed it to the forest.

 Sometimes the only way to keep baby happy on hikes is with blue dye # 3 and high fructose corn syrup!
 Entrance of fairy forest.
 Bear Lake...spent a week with 2nd cousins and lots of fun.

 nap time at the cabin
 Fourth of July...Riverton Park fireworks with the Witzel clan.

 24th of July parade...Liberty Park

Girlies in matching was very very hard to get them to cooperate for pictures...these were the best options.

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